Hooked &

Need Help?

Jesus Is The Answer!

Society says “once an addict, always an addict”, but Jesus says “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.”

About Victory Temple Ministries

Victory Temple Ministries is a 501 (C) 3 non-profit Christian organization. Our MISSION is “to reach and offer transformation and healing to the drug addict, the alcoholic, the criminally-minded, and the reject of society through the grace and power of Jesus Christ.”

The Approach

Through a new Christ-centered life of discipline, prayer, praise, worship and serving, these men and women break free from their hopeless, meaningless, tired existence into a holy calling. The Men’s Home and Women’s Home both offer a free recovery program for the substance abuser who has a desire to change. Our approach has proven to be positive in incorporating the individual back into society as a contributing member.

The Vision


To Transform Lives

To transform lives broken by addiction and a hopeless state of mind through the love and power of Jesus Christ.


To Disciple

To disciple men and women through a spiritual growth program, enabling them to re-establish their family roles, to become productive members of society, to serve in the church, and to shine as lights for God’s Kingdom


Multiply Our Efforts

To multiply our efforts, by further training future Pastors and Home Directors through our leadership academy, then launching them out to their homeland to begin new Homes, Drop-In Centers and Churches.

Accept Jesus Today


JESUS said that “Today is the day of salvation”. In other words, if Jesus is tugging at your heart, the time to make a decision for Him is right now! Take a leap of faith and believe that God will forgive you of all your sins, even those things that no one knows of. Open your heart and ask Him to become real to you by repeating this prayer out loud to Him:

“Lord Jesus, I ask you to hear my cry and forgive me of all my sins. I realize and recognize that I need you in my life. Without you I have failed in life. I am tired of running and not being able to fulfill your plan and purpose for my life. Come into my life and become real. Let me feel your love and presence in me right now.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.”